Flat Bobby like all kids had to see how deep the snow was

Flat Bobby like all kids had to see how deep the snow was, originally uploaded by Pink Pepper Photo.
Flat Bobby is magic, he leaves no foot prints!!!!
These are the adventures of Flat Bobby. Flat Bobby is a close cousin of Flat Stanley. Flat Bobby has been sent out to several people all around the world. He will be back home safely with me by February 2nd and will be on display for my school's Open House in the Spring.
If you would like to invite Flat Bobby into your home, please read the Bobby's letter and let me know. This is my school project.
If you would like to participate by downloading a Flat Bobby clone and taking him on a jouney, please feel free to do so. I got the offical rule that Flat Bobby is allowed to travel through the internet.
Thank you!
Flat Bobby's visa has been extended. He is still free to travel the world!! We are currently seeking hosts in Africa and South America. If you are willing to host Flat Bobby, please let us know.
Thank you!
Flat Bobby is magic, he leaves no foot prints!!!!
at the Vancouver International Airport. He's got jet lag so is feeling a bit out of focus.
Flat Bobby was glad he had his feet on the ground, that statue looked way too far off the ground!
Winged Victory has been on the top of the building since the building's completion and is a wind vane nearly 17 feet tall. It has been free moving except for a time in the 1950's when a group of legislators had her tethered because they were tired of seeing her back side.
During the restoration Winged Victory was removed from the top of the building for repairs. Several coats of enamel paint had dulled the crispness of her image, but the workmen also found bullet hole damage. They’re not sure exactly how the bullets damaged Winged Victory, but it was surmised that some hooligans might have come to town and may have even wagered on their skill as marksmen. With the repair work completed, Winged Victory was replaced on the top of the dome. She is once again a free moving wind vane with a special coating that eliminates the need for painting.
Underneath Winged Victory is a copper dome that was added during the restoration of the building. The copper industry in Arizona donated 15 tons of copper to cover the roof and dome. The dome has been treated to keep it from tarnishing. The mining of copper and other metals has been very important to the development of the Territory and the State. There is enough copper on the roof and dome to mint 4,800,000 pennies.
Flat Bobby told me he thought this was a beautiful building and he was glad to be visiting.
The Capitol is constructed of native stone, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Dedicated in 1901, it was first home to the territorial government; when Arizona entered the union as the 48th state on 2/14/12, the building became the sate Capitol. Arizona completed the contiguous United States. Construction began on the building in 1899 and was completed in 1901. The outside elevations of the building used Malapai from Camelback Mountain in the foundation, Granite from the Salt River Mountains for the ground floor, and tuff stone quarried near Kirkland for the 2nd through 4th floor.
Flat Bobby spent some time looking at the names on the columns and personal tributes left by family and friends.
The Vietnam Veterans' Memorial consists of ten columns of black granite etched with the names of Arizonans killed or missing in action. A bronze sculpture entitled "The Fallen Warrior" by Jasper D'Ambrosi portrays young soldiers as war's victims as much as its heroes.
The original Purple Heart award was instituted by George Washington in 1782 to reward troops for "unusual gallantry" and "extraordinary fidelity and essential service." The award was a purple cloth heart edged in silver braid, and was to be worn over the left breast of the uniform. Only three awards are known to have been issued, of which two are known to exist today.
The Purple Heart as we know it today was reestablished in 1932 to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The original criteria for award of the Purple Heart as published in the War Department Circular No. 6 of February 22, 1932 states that the medal be awarded to anyone serving in the Army who had received combat-related injuries or had received the AEF's Meritorious Service Citation Certificate during WWI, the latter criteria harkening back to the intent of George Washington's "Badge of Military Merit".
Award Specifications
The Purple Heart differs from all other decorations in that an individual is not "recommended" for the decoration; rather he or she is entitled upon being killed or wounded in a manner meeting the specific criteria of AR 600-8-22:
Flat Bobby stopped at the Arizona Police Officers' Memorial. This is an 11-foot statue of an Arizona Peace Officer. His head is bowed paying homage to all the Arizona law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. The names of these officers are etched in the statue base. He felt sad when he saw how many names were etched into the stone and when he saw the blank stone around the base, knowing more names would be etched there in the future.
Flat Bobby took a trip down the road to Phoenix to check out the Arizona State Capitol. His first stop was in the Wesley Bolin Memorial Park to look at some of the memorials. This is the Korean War Memorial, it is a stylized pagoda with a ceremonial temple bell weighing approximately two tons. Flat Bobby was glad no one tried to ring the bell while he was standing on it!