About Me
These are the adventures of Flat Bobby. Flat Bobby is a close cousin of Flat Stanley. Flat Bobby has been sent out to several people all around the world. He will be back home safely with me by February 2nd and will be on display for my school's Open House in the Spring.
If you would like to invite Flat Bobby into your home, please read the Bobby's letter and let me know. This is my school project.
If you would like to participate by downloading a Flat Bobby clone and taking him on a jouney, please feel free to do so. I got the offical rule that Flat Bobby is allowed to travel through the internet.
Thank you!
Flat Bobby's visa has been extended. He is still free to travel the world!! We are currently seeking hosts in Africa and South America. If you are willing to host Flat Bobby, please let us know.
Thank you!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Flat Bobby visited the glass-exhibition in Hobro, Denmark. He liked it a lot and could spend hours looking at the glass/art
Flat Bobby visited for a couple of days here in Hobro, Denmark.
We went for some walks and had some great days together :D
Judy's favorite gnarley tree and Lone Mountain
Sunday January 15, 2006, at church we had a reading that hit home with me and how I love nature and try to find beauty in every day. Things to think about………
Coffee, on our table in the morning; ( I will pass on the coffee)
The simple gesture of opening a door to go out, FREE;
The shouts of children in the parks;
A familiar song, sung by an unfamiliar face’
A friendly TREE that has not yet been cut down.
Ferguson Point
This isn't far from downtown - it's just on the west side of Stanley Park, which is just immediately west of downtown.
In fact, this plaque is right beside the restaurant that used to be called "The Teahouse", but is now called "The Sequoia Grill".
Looking out to English Bay from Ferguson Point
The freighters anchor in English Bay and wait for their turn to load or unload in the harbour. The feint outline of mountains in the background are Vancouver Island.
Oh Noooooooo!
Oh dear! This is why moms get concerned & tell their kids to "be careful!" when climbing trees! It wasn't even a big gust of wind, but it was enough to make Flat Bobby lose his grip and fall from the Palo Verde tree. Luckily there were no bones broken, just some bumps and bruises.
Flat Bobby Up A Tree
Flat Bobby saw a strange-looking tree on the way back to the car and just had to climb it.
This is a Palo Verde tree; Palo Verde means ‘green stick’ in Spanish. The green stems and bark of Palo Verde make it easy to identify but more importantly allow it to persist in the desert environment. Palo Verde trees are drought deciduous and thus shed their leaves during extended dry spells. The Palo Verde has the characteristic of performing photosynthesis in its bark (hence the green color), and this is what allows it to survive after it has shaved its leaves in hotter periods. The Palo Verde is the state tree of Arizona.
Flat Bobby visits the Hollow Tree in Stanley Park.
This shell of a big old tree has been like this since a fire sometime in the late 1800's before this was even a park.
Overlooking the Lions Gate Bridge.
This bridge goes over to what we call "the north shore", where the municipalities of West Vancouver and North Vancouver are. Apparently West Vancouver is the wealthiest municipality in Canada. All of Vancouver's suberbs are separate municipalities with their own municipal governments.
Statue of "Gassy Jack" Deighton.
He was the first mayor of Vancouver, and had a tavern at this location. Being a politician, he had a reputation of being full of hot air, and therefore was nicknamed "Gassy Jack", so the town got nicknamed "Gastown".
Flat Bobby
At the entrance to the Dr. Sun Yat Sen zen Buddhist Gardens in Chinatown. They're the only Chinese zen buddhist gardens built outside of China in 500 years.
Flat Bobby rides with Chief Harry
Flat Bobby has been cloned again!! Now he is going to travel with Harry a few places.
Firefighter Bobby
Flat Bobby has been cloned again!! Now he is going to travel with Harry a few places.
Here he is getting into his turnouts, so he can go fight a fire!! (no fire really)
Flat Bobby visits Rye Patch Fire Dept
Flat Bobby has been cloned again!! Now he is going to travel with Harry a few places.
Flat Bobby's Prickly Problem
Well, Flat Bobby certainly wonders how he got in this situation! All he was doing was admiring the organ pipe cactus and the next thing he knew he was smack dab in the middle of trouble! Don't worry, he managed to get out without any major injuries :-)
Flat Bobby, Member Of The Press
When Flat Bobby left the old Capitol building he noticed a crowd of people out front. Being the inquisitive type, he hurried over and discovered it was a news conference. The lady speaking in this picture is State Senate Democratic Leader Linda Aguirre of Phoenix. She and others were going to have a hearing on a bill in the Senate K-12 Education Committee that day. They were presenting “a viable alternative to meet the federal court’s mandate to adequately fund English language learner programs.” She's also the Senate Minority Leader.
While Flat Bobby and Foxicat were standing there, an aide came up and asked “are you with the media?” Foxicat responded, “no, I’m with Flat Bobby.” (hmmmm I was using the Nikon, must have looked impressive!)
In any case, Flat Bobby tried to meet with the Senator later, but she was in committee. He was invited to wait and she’d see him after, but not knowing how long it would take he thanked them and went on his way.
Flat Bobby, Arizona State Representative
Woohooo, Flat Bobby met some celebrities!
ON THE LEFT is Arizona State Representative Linda Lopez, she’s a Democrat from District 29 and the Assistant Minority Leader.
ON THE RIGHT is Arizona State Representative Dave Bradley, he’s a Democrat from District 28.
Flat Bobby Signs the Register
Whew! Flat Bobby certainly was tired after his tour of the historic Arizona State Capitol, but he managed to sign the guestbook anyway.
Flat Bobby Leaves His Mark
Whew! Flat Bobby certainly was tired after his tour of the historic Arizona State Capitol, but he managed to sign the guestbook anyway.
Arizona Restored House Chamber
Restored House Chamber – this is how the chamber appeared in September 1910, when 52 men, elected as delegates to the Arizona Constitutional Convention, met to write a constitution for statehood. Nameplates on each desk bear delegates’ names: colors represent the political parties, red for democrats and blue for republicans.