Flat Bobby in South Korea
These are the adventures of Flat Bobby. Flat Bobby is a close cousin of Flat Stanley. Flat Bobby has been sent out to several people all around the world. He will be back home safely with me by February 2nd and will be on display for my school's Open House in the Spring.
If you would like to invite Flat Bobby into your home, please read the Bobby's letter and let me know. This is my school project.
If you would like to participate by downloading a Flat Bobby clone and taking him on a jouney, please feel free to do so. I got the offical rule that Flat Bobby is allowed to travel through the internet.
Thank you!
Flat Bobby's visa has been extended. He is still free to travel the world!! We are currently seeking hosts in Africa and South America. If you are willing to host Flat Bobby, please let us know.
Thank you!
So, finally Flat Bobby arrived in Korea, after he missed Hungary and Germany.
Here he is visiting a little monument. I still don't speak Korean, so I can't really tell, what it stands for, but maybe somebody can translate it? ;)
There are many graves in the forest around here. I don't know, if they still burry people like this, but you find them all over the mountains. Many of them have little statues around them and stones with engravings.
Steppin' Out!!!!! You CAN hear the music they are dancing to can't you????
Bobby visits the Happy Face Witch!!
Imlay school is grades k thru 6, Kindergarten got to come in and sit with the big kids while Bobby and Judy were there.
All grades are in the same room except for kindergarten. Years ago all the country small country schoold were all grades in one room. Harry went to a school like that when he was in gradeschool.
All of the kids are going to work on something about their school, their town, ranch life etc. Bobby and Judy will go back in about 2 weeks and hope to to individual pictures with student names and what they have done to send with Bobby to Amber.
Lock Your Love in Lovelock!
Located in the historic Courthouse Park in downtown Lovelock, NV you will find a unique way to express your commitment to the one and only love of your life.
Patterned after the Chinese tradition of sealing a lover’s commitment by locking a padlock on a chain that is attached permanently to earth and then disposing of the key. Lovelock has provided a beautiful pavilion with two entwined Crabapple trees growing together to symbolize the permanence of relationships. The trees are surrounded by a pavilion with bollards and chains in place to lock your special padlock and dispose of the key. In China the tradition is that the relationship will be unending because it will be impossible to retrieve the key and unlock the padlock. Participants will have a symbol of undying commitment.
Lock Your Love in Lovelock!
Located in the historic Courthouse Park in downtown Lovelock, NV you will find a unique way to express your commitment to the one and only love of your life.
Patterned after the Chinese tradition of sealing a lover’s commitment by locking a padlock on a chain that is attached permanently to earth and then disposing of the key. Lovelock has provided a beautiful pavilion with two entwined Crabapple trees growing together to symbolize the permanence of relationships. The trees are surrounded by a pavilion with bollards and chains in place to lock your special padlock and dispose of the key. In Chine the tradition is that the relationship will be unending because it will be impossible to retrieve the key and unlock the padlock. Participants will have a symbol of undying commitment.
Judy is back to normal, we are all fine and dandy!! Thanx for those who were kind enough to ask!
Thursday we went to town and on the way we stopped at one of the Emigrant/California Trail markers. These are all along the I-80 corridor as when you drive I-80 in Nevada you are pretty much seeingwhat the pioneers saw many years ago.
Lovelock and the surrounding valley was called Big Meadows by the pioneers. It was a place greatly appreciated to stop let the cattle feed on grass etc. before they made their trip across the 40 mile desert to the west.
Monday January 9, Bobby laid down the law,that Judy had to rest after a trip to the hospital ER on Sunday. He also said the data entry had to be done before we went any where else to take pix. Thanx to Bobby now the data entry is all done!! Hurray, so then we got to go to Rye Patch!!