Flat Bobby

The Travels
Flat Bobby

by Amber

Name: Amber
Location: New Hampshire, United States

These are the adventures of Flat Bobby. Flat Bobby is a close cousin of Flat Stanley. Flat Bobby has been sent out to several people all around the world. He will be back home safely with me by February 2nd and will be on display for my school's Open House in the Spring.

If you would like to invite Flat Bobby into your home, please read the Bobby's letter and let me know. This is my school project.

If you would like to participate by downloading a Flat Bobby clone and taking him on a jouney, please feel free to do so. I got the offical rule that Flat Bobby is allowed to travel through the internet.

Thank you!



Flat Bobby's visa has been extended. He is still free to travel the world!! We are currently seeking hosts in Africa and South America. If you are willing to host Flat Bobby, please let us know.

Thank you!

Friday, January 13, 2006

flat bobby visits the acorn

flat bobby visits the acorn, originally uploaded by bunchofpants.

Raleigh has chosen the acorn as its symbol, because the city's motto is "The City of Loose Nuts." Seriously, I'm not making it up. Yeah, OK, so I am .... I think it's "City of Oaks" or something like that. It is indeed very oaky--one of these days someone's going to slip on all the acorns and break a hip.

flat bobby gets a tat

flat bobby gets a tat, originally uploaded by bunchofpants.

Nah, just kidding. He didn't have any money and I certainly wasn't going to pay for it.

flat bobby does raleigh

flat bobby does raleigh, originally uploaded by bunchofpants.

... disguised as Tony The Newsagent (he didn't want to be recognized.)

It's been a very foggy day.

Watch Out Flat Bobby!

Watch Out Flat Bobby!, originally uploaded by Foxicat.

The Jaguar, the only “roaring” cat in North America, once roamed as far north as the Grand Canyon. By the 1900’s, the jaguar had largely disappeared from the United States. Development and hunting were the main reasons for the animal’s loss. Currently the Jaguar Conservation Team (JAGCT) is working to bring back this amazing animal. Wildlife management in Arizona began in 1881, the first regulatory laws followed in 1887.

Flat Bobby read some articles on the Internet and there have been sightings of Jaguars in Arizona again! He thinks it is a gorgeous animal and hopes people will leave it alone.

Flat Bobby, Secretary Of State

Flat Bobby, Secretary Of State, originally uploaded by Foxicat.

The Secretary of State is designated by the Arizona constitution to assume office in the event of temporary or permanent disability of the governor.

The office has three major functions:

  1. keeping non-financial records

  2. publishing actions of the legislature

  3. supervising the election process

, originally uploaded by Foxicat.

Great Seal

Great Seal, originally uploaded by Foxicat.

The first thing Flat Bobby saw after walking through the doors of the old Capitol building was the Great Seal of the State of Arizona Mosaic on the floor.

The colorful mosaic seal depicts the elements of Arizona’s economy, the Five C’s. The seal includes three C’s: a copper miner, the sun against clear skies for climate, and rows of cotton. The two missing are cattle and citrus. The omission occurred because the contractor was not given an official sketch. The state motto “ditat Deus” means “God enriches” in Latin and is featured at the top of the seal.

Unfortunately the chandelier hanging from the dome reflected on the mosaic, no matter in what position it was viewed.

Flat Bobby visits the Chamber of Commerce

A replica of the Lovelock Cave Duck Decoy adorns the door of the chamber. The graphic for the duck was done by Wendy Butler, and it was digitized to be converted for use in vinyl by Judy. The duck, and lettering on the door was all done and applied by Judy, this is what she did at her former job!